Uncategorized - Archive - Real Estate Tube https://www.realestatetube.com/blog Find Your Tribe Thu, 24 Aug 2017 08:42:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.7.4 https://www.realestatetube.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/cropped-logoDark-32x32.png Uncategorized - Archive - Real Estate Tube https://www.realestatetube.com/blog 32 32 Quick Tips for Posting a Profile on RealEstateTube https://www.realestatetube.com/blog/quick-tips-for-posting-a-profile-on-realestatetube/ https://www.realestatetube.com/blog/quick-tips-for-posting-a-profile-on-realestatetube/#respond Thu, 24 Aug 2017 08:42:58 +0000 https://www.realestatetube.com/blog/?p=403 You’ve landed on RealEstateTube to find a housemate, place to live or tenants – or just to browse.

If you have a couple of minutes to upload a listing, it’s fast, easy and you can use your smartphone.

The first step is to create a login, either using your Facebook profile, Google account or email address and password.

Then, choose a photo of yourself for your profile picture, which will be one of the first things people see when they look at any listing you make.

You can take a quick selfie on your phone or find one in your photos.

Next, click on your photo in the top right hand corner and a drop-down menu will give options: choose ‘create a listing’.

Next select what applies to you – do you want to; find a housemate, find a share house or rent out a property?

Once you have chosen which type of post you are creating, make a title for your post – the more specific the better, to separate you from the crowd. For example “Shift worker looking for quiet share house”.

Then, you can write a bit about what you’re looking for and who you are/ what the property is like.

We recommend referencing location and things that are close by, if you have a room, and if you’re looking, the top most important things you want, for example, an ensuite bathroom.

The next page will show you some options for inputting all the key information.

If you have a place, you’ll need to pop in your address, (there is an option to ‘hide’ your address) and the cost of rent, bond, property size and how many bedrooms, bathrooms and car spaces.

If you’re looking for a home, you will need to select up to six suburbs where you would like to live and your maximum budget.

The most important part, according to the team at RealEstateTube is also the most fun.

Get your phone out and walk through your home, or turn the camera to selfie mode and let your personality shine through.

We recommend keeping it short and sweet – watch Emma’s videos for more top tips.

We’re so glad you’ve found RealEstateTube.

We’re #1 and we’re free, where owners, renters and flatmates use video to meet.








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RealEstateTube is here https://www.realestatetube.com/blog/realestatetube-is-here/ https://www.realestatetube.com/blog/realestatetube-is-here/#respond Thu, 24 Aug 2017 08:09:27 +0000 https://www.realestatetube.com/blog/?p=387 Spring is here and so is RealEstateTube, a free service for finding tenants, rental homes and housemates.

 We are active in 75 countries around the world, so get browsing now to be matched with the perfect rental home or housemate.

The people you live with can set the tone of your life, so we have made it as easy as possible of you to meet the right ones via video.

The team have worked hard to create a fresh look site, with a colourful, easy to use interface – housemate hunting no longer has to be a chore.

Video is our point of difference, and it allows users to save precious time and energy searching, by presenting an authentic picture of places and properties online.

Users can create their own “selfie”videos or tour a home with their phone within minutes, so they can show who they are and what they want.

It’s the fastest, easiest way to make a decision about a person or property,  because if a picture tells a thousand words – a video says it all. 

So head to RealEstateTube and tell your friends – they might be there already!

We’re #1 and we’re free, where owners, renters and flatmates use video to meet.

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Find The Best Housemate https://www.realestatetube.com/blog/find-the-best-housemate/ https://www.realestatetube.com/blog/find-the-best-housemate/#respond Tue, 25 Jul 2017 11:50:46 +0000 https://www.realestatetube.com/blog/?p=379 If you need a flatmate that can help pay the rent, you’ve come to the right place. Creating a listing with Real estate Tube is free and easy.

A bad housemate can cause a lot of problems and headaches, it definitely pays to prepare and do some research. Here are a few things you need to consider before deciding to share your residence with someone else.

Initial Research

Prior to inviting someone into your home, you need to do some a little research. You may, for instance, want to ask them if they have a social media account so you can chat and get to know them. Google their name and see what you can find out about them. If they’re not willing to share anything with you, then it’s probably wise to avoid considering them as your roommate.

Be Careful Who You Invite Over

Just because someone seems to be a good fit, doesn’t mean they are safe to have in your home. Always meet potential roommates in public so you can get a feel for what they’re like without them coming over. You don’t want to find out way too late that the person is actually not who they seem and was just scoping your place out for nefarious reasons. Most people are cautious, so you may not have many people that would want to meet in your home at first. Try a cafe or any public place where talking would be easy.

Use Proper Language In Your Listing

When you put out a listing online for a flatmate, it needs to go over some basics. For instance, it should say what the price is of the rent and whether you want a male or female to respond. A lot of people won’t live with the opposite sex and a lot of people don’t want to pay over a certain price. Your goal is to weed out the wrong candidates. Include your phone number too and make sure you have an answering machine set up in case you are busy when people try to contact you.

Know What Questions To Ask

Do they know how to clean? Are they able to split all of the bills with you? It’s important that you go over everything that you expect when working with a flatmate during your first meeting. You don’t want to find out, for instance, that they thought that they only had to pay half of the rent and you are responsible for everything else. Get a contract put together with them about what they have to pay. If you can get everything in writing and they agree to and sign it, then you have a leg to stand on if they don’t stand up to their promises.

Find out where they work and what they’re doing in their life. You really don’t want to find out that later that someone doesn’t agree with any of your views. It is hard to live with someone in general, but it’s even more difficult to spend time with someone that’s nothing like you. Sometimes opposites attract, but there’s no point in risking it. Also, make sure you find out what their stance is on drinking and using substances so you don’t end up with someone that’s always loud and parties too much.

Once you use our advice, you can find a flatmate that works for you. So many people are out there to choose from that it makes sense to be cautious. Eventually, you’ll weed out the bad from the good and be left with the best most compatible choices.

https://www.realestatetube.com/blog/find-the-best-housemate/feed/ 0
How disruptive tech is creating social solutions https://www.realestatetube.com/blog/how-disruptive-tech-is-creating-social-solutions/ https://www.realestatetube.com/blog/how-disruptive-tech-is-creating-social-solutions/#respond Fri, 16 Jun 2017 03:08:28 +0000 https://www.realestatetube.com/blog/?p=317 Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s 2017 Federal Budget was startling not for its dollar distribution, but a blatant call to the private sector to step up.

It was a stark acknowledgement that if we want things to change, we have to look not to our politicians, but ourselves for change.

For example in property, where we are seeing so much entrenched disadvantage and worsening affordability, there is ample room to shake up the status quo.

RealEstateTube.com is an example of a business acting as a social enterprise and service, via founder and CEO Steve Makris, who wants us all to find our tribe.

In 2013, Steve was considering how to ensure customers had a ‘fair go’ in the real estate industry, where he had spent decades as a commercial sales agent.

“When I started out, a real estate agent had a lot to offer, we would study the market and there were no online tools, there was no RP data to see comparable sales. These days the vendors can do it all themselves.”

And so, RealEstateTube.com was born.

The online platform allows buyers and sellers, landlords and tenants to ‘meet’ via video, and crucially, make transactions without any property managers or salespeople.

In addition to saving households on average, $20,000 to $30,000 per sale, the platform is designed to offer overseas buyers a comprehensive, authentic look at a property from afar.

The rental side of the app is where Steve sees opportunities for social solutions.

“You can’t hide your true self in a video, so what happens when people see tenants and housemates on video is it takes out the guess work and fear of the unknown.”

In this way, Steve is hoping to drive a house sharing revolution, linking those who need company with those who need shelter.

“Consider a single mum fleeing domestic violence. She can’t afford to rent a place herself, and there is a waiting list for social housing.

“What if she could use her social security payments to contribute to an elderly person’s pension, and rent out a room or two in their otherwise empty house? These people could live together and benefit from the company and security of living in a real home setting.”

“In the same way, we want to see the Government start to consider housing newly-arrived refugees in share houses in inner-city suburbs, to facilitate true integration and relieve infrastructure pressure on areas with an influx of social housing tenants.”

The applications, as Steve and his team see them, are endless; the site already has a space for adoptee animals, with the hope that eventually, RealEstateTube becomes a problem-solving community.

“We say our motto is find your tribe, and that’s we want to see people do – because we all have a tribe, we may just not have met them yet.”

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A Soul Cycle class is a crash course in startups https://www.realestatetube.com/blog/a-soul-cycle-class-is-a-crash-course-in-startups/ https://www.realestatetube.com/blog/a-soul-cycle-class-is-a-crash-course-in-startups/#respond Thu, 15 Jun 2017 17:03:09 +0000 https://www.realestatetube.com/blog/?p=342

Countless articles and listicles have been published about how many CEOs and squillionaires wake up before the sun and exercise. Endorphins blah, blah, health et cetera – this isn’t that, but it does come with a happy clappy exercise content warning.

In our first hours in Manhattan, the RealEstateTube team did a Soul Cycle class – and by the end of it, we found ourselves still far from home, but in a very familiar place.

The first thing you’ll notice when you step into a Soul Cycle studio is the sense of urgency and smell of grapefruit – a confuzzling combination.  The staff are pleasant, but they’re clearly in a hurry – everyone is.

When ‘CEO Steve’ and I queued at the counter of enthusiastic spinners, we realised “on time” is too late for a front row seat. We came in on the opening beats of the first track, navigating our clip-on shoes in the dark. We were starting unprepared, with the wrong bike set-up.

The class gathered momentum as the instructor shouted, we sweated and I wondered how it was possible to pedal so hard and stay in the one place. Do you see where I’m going with this? The stifling, exhilarating 45 minutes of spinning felt a lot like the early days of a business.  If you’ve ever toiled on a startup venture, you’ll recall that heady mixture of adrenaline, exhaustion and fear.

It was during a particularly bass-heavy rendition of Bruno Mars “Teach me how to Dougie” that I came to this conclusion, and the lessons of the hour lasted long after Paolo Nutini sang us out the door.

  1. Show up early, warmed-up and dressed for the part.
  2. Be consistent
  3. You’re in the room – stay there

If you’ve paid stacks of money to be at a conference, meeting or an exercise class, stay in the room. You paid to be there, so if you’re mind and body aren’t there in spirit – you may as well have gone for a walk.

Imagine how much more you can get out of that meeting, class, conference if you’ve had a warm-up, plenty of water and a stretch. At the end of the ride you’ll be sweaty, dishevelled and tired anyway, but if you’re on your game you’ll also be stronger, fitter and ready to go again.

By the way, we’re heading to Soul Cycle again tomorrow – it’s addictive like that.


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Real Estate Tube is heading to the USA https://www.realestatetube.com/blog/real-estate-tube-is-heading-to-the-usa/ https://www.realestatetube.com/blog/real-estate-tube-is-heading-to-the-usa/#respond Wed, 17 May 2017 02:20:27 +0000 https://www.realestatetube.com/blog/?p=298 It is exciting times for the team at Aussie-based property sales, rental and share platform RealEstateTube.com.

CEO Steve Makris and Content Director Camille Bianchi are heading to the Big Apple in June to soak up the sun and scout out some locations for a New York office.

“We believe some of our biggest opportunities will come from dense rental markets such as the United States east coast, and it makes sense to be operating in the same timezone,” Ms Bianchi said.

Real Estate Tube has just come from the Wholesale Investor series in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Maroochydore and are now taking their show on the road.

Real Estate Tube will also be attending the Global Online Classifieds Summit in Miami from June 20, where they will be meeting with some of the world’s biggest digital commerce platforms.

“This conference is an amazing opportunity to meet the best and brightest in the space, there are major players there and the energy will be incredible. We are so excited to attend,” Mr Makris said.

Wish us luck!


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Let them eat brunch https://www.realestatetube.com/blog/let-them-eat-brunch/ https://www.realestatetube.com/blog/let-them-eat-brunch/#respond Tue, 16 May 2017 10:16:36 +0000 https://www.realestatetube.com/blog/?p=294 I have come to the conclusion I will rent forever, but bring me poached eggs, not pity – I’m good.

Do you know which expression turns me into ‘old man shaking fist at cloud’ most rapidly?

“Just buy an investment property, get your foot in the door”

Maybe I don’t want to jam my impoverished foot into “the door” for the sake of overextending myself financially to secure a depressing apartment for the imaginary tenants who will miraculously want to live in aforementioned dump. And for the love of all things holy I certainly don’t want to live in it myself.

Another pearler: “rent money is dead money”. Sigh. Do you know what else is “dead money”- the hundreds of thousands of dollars you pay on accrued interest over the course of a home loan. 

Then, if you default on your mortgage you’ve lost it. May as well flush it down the toilet, as I will do with the delightful breakfasts I have digested and enjoyed being an “irresponsible renter”.

Also: you are lecturing me on fiscal sense when you bought that tiny outer suburbs dive for $900,000 at the peak of the market, at a hyper-inflated price. Spoiler alert: prices can and do and will correct themselves eventually in any major market where median wages aren’t rising proportionately with real estate.

Another fun fact: rising casualisation of the global workforce means that the income upon which your hefty home loan was calculated… well, it might not be there for the 50 years you’ll spend making installments. 

Do you know what else is great? Not having a mortgage. Highly recommend, much brunch, few forms. Don’t know what negative gearing means? Well, you don’t have to if you never own a house. 

So forgive me for snorting into my espresso as you chastise me for not magically having more money and an endless pool of baseless optimism in the market and workforce. 

And DON’T get me started on those of you with charming, four-walled nest eggs who were able to live at home sans rent to save for them. Just don’t.

Do you know what is great? Brunch. I happily admit I could have built thousands of artisanal toast houses and sold them to foreign buyers, glued together with avocado. I have had my share of fancy breakfasts, and I don’t want my money back.

And so I will continue to nibble at my overpriced avocado toast (smashed, goats cheese, wooden plate the works). 

Wake up and smell the coffee – (it smells great by the way) – rent money is sense money.

https://www.realestatetube.com/blog/let-them-eat-brunch/feed/ 0
The other side of the housing affordability crisis https://www.realestatetube.com/blog/the-other-side-of-the-housing-affordability-crisis/ https://www.realestatetube.com/blog/the-other-side-of-the-housing-affordability-crisis/#respond Fri, 12 May 2017 00:03:41 +0000 https://www.realestatetube.com/blog/?p=283 At first glance, the rows of tents look quaint, they conjure images of early settlers’ life in a new country – but there is nothing nostalgic or poetic about being homeless. A tent isn’t good enough for a person, and it’s certainly not good enough for a family.

For too many people, though, a tent is home. In the middle of one of the most affluent pockets of the world, I found this little tent village, and I learned about the people inside.

Oliver doesn’t have a surname. He doesn’t have a lot of things, foremost a home. Oliver’s tent sits among perhaps a dozen others, and I saw the steam from his billy tea before I even knew anyone was there.  We chatted about his past, present and the big one: how did he come to live under a bridge, alone?

Oliver warned me his story was “a bloody sad one” and he wasn’t wrong.

Neglect, abuse and addiction – he shied away from detailing his battle with mental health issues, but it was apparent Oliver isn’t well and hasn’t been for a long time.

The saddest part of Oliver’s story wasn’t his devastating childhood, or losing his job and partner – and battle with the bottle. The saddest part of the story was the one he didn’t tell. The story of a little tricycle propped up beside the tent, tiny shoes and finally a small voice: “Dad?”

Yes, it’s a bloody sad story, but it could happen to almost anyone.

The issue isn’t the cost of housing in isolation – it’s a story of mental illness and a lack of community. For so many of our homeless, this is their story, too. Abuse, addiction, neglect – and simply not having people around them to lift them when they fell.

Many homeless women have fled abusive partners, after becoming so isolated in their relationship, they no longer had family or friends around them to break their fall.

More and more, we are seeing cuts to frontline mental health services and care networks, the budget does not and cannot conceivably stretch to cover all the cracks.  The only thing growing steadily in countries all over the world is population. Could we try to harness people power to create the communities we no longer have? Why don’t we open our homes to the vulnerable?

Imagine what we could learn about ourselves and each other.

Imagine how many people we could catch before they fall.

*Oliver asked me not to share pictures of the camp – he is afraid of being moved on and losing his home.




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House sharing is no longer “just for students” https://www.realestatetube.com/blog/house-sharing-is-no-longer-just-for-students/ https://www.realestatetube.com/blog/house-sharing-is-no-longer-just-for-students/#respond Thu, 11 May 2017 01:27:51 +0000 https://www.realestatetube.com/blog/?p=277 There used to be a perception that having flatmates was reserved for teens and twenty-something students. Basically, those who don’t have enough money to rent alone or buy a place. But what if we start seeing house sharing as an opportunity, rather than a last resort?

Housing affordability is a headline issue in major cities all over the world, for good reason.Along Australia’s eastern seaboard, the median house price is hovering around the million-dollar mark, rent rates are skyrocketing and finding shelter is increasingly competitive.  Average salaries have not risen with CPI and are not proportionate to the enormous surge in property values in recent years, so living alone isn’t viable for a growing number of people.

The solution is house sharing, and it’s one being increasingly drawn upon by those outside the ‘student phase’: divorcees, empty nesters and retirees are demographics on the rise.  We can embrace taking on tenants to pay a mortgage or “rent-vesting” as a fiscal solution, but what if we are missing the real value here?

Modern humans are lonely. There are so many lonely people in the world, as we become more distant from family, ritual, religion and community. What if you could live with people who improve your life, while sharing the costs and chores?

Living with strangers and the “roll the dice” element of selecting roommates online is no picnic, nor is it fun having to traipse from house to house selling yourself as a good human to randoms…. and let’s not talk about the special brand of rejection that comes from being dismissed by strangers in a social setting…. but there is help.

Using www.realestatetube.com  you can upload a selfie video, it’s global so you can find your tribe before you even get to a new city or even country, and a video says an awful lot.
If you have a house and want to fill it, you can “meet” people via a video much more easily than if you see a simple headshot and blurb. You just know 4 seconds in if it’s a yay or a nay. Likewise if you’re the roaming prospective tenant, preparing to insert yourself into a ready-made household.

The good news is that as well as vetting out the nasties, this is a fabulous way to find your tribe and live your best life.

Are you a senior citizen who needs help around the house, could do with some cash on top of the pension and wouldn’t mind a young person to fill one of your rooms?

Are you a newly-arrived migrant struggling to learn the language, looking to slot in with a family – and maybe, that family might need help with their mortgage?

Do you miss living with friends, now your kids are grown up and out of home?

Maybe “home” doesn’t look like you thought it would – maybe it’s better.

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Rent your way to mortgage freedom https://www.realestatetube.com/blog/rent-way-mortgage-freedom/ https://www.realestatetube.com/blog/rent-way-mortgage-freedom/#respond Tue, 21 Feb 2017 21:08:33 +0000 https://www.realestatetube.com/info/?p=190 How would you like to save yourself some money (& stress) by paying off your home sooner? Whether you’re sick of renting someone else’s place (& paying off their mortgage) or tired of stressing about making mortgage repayments, the key to your future could be as simple as renting out a room.


The concept of renting out your spare room has been around for thousands of years. Here in Australia, a lot of the immigrants that arrived in the 1950’s and 1960’s bought their first home and would rent out the spare bedrooms. This fixed rental income helped them pay off their mortgages in less than half the life of the loan and save on interest payments. This clever method of paying off your house continues to be very popular amongst newcomers.


But far from just being a great idea for immigrants, this concept can also help many Australians own their first home. From first home buyers to those struggling with mortgage repayments, renting out a room can help you get ahead financially and set yourself up for life. Whether you’re sick and tired of renting


Imagine having a mortgage of $500K on a 30 year term at an interest rate of 4.25% – your monthly repayments would be approx. $2443.00. Now imagine you live in a typical 3 bedroom suburban home where you can rent out both spare bedrooms for $150/ week each.


By paying an extra $300 per week you can slash nearly 16 years off your mortgage and save over $200k in interest!


Although there are other factors to consider, like the extra income you receive and how it will affect your tax situation, most Australian’s would benefit by renting out a room or two. We recommend speaking with your financial advisor or accountant as they will be able to advise you which way is best.


What if you don’t have a room to spare? You could consider converting that additional living room or garage into a spare bedroom. Depending on how much land you have, you could even put a cheap granny flat in your backyard (STCA) and rent it out. Even when you take into account the cost of conversion or a kit granny flat, many have saved not only thousands of dollars in interest, but also managed to keep their homes when times are tough.


#realestatetube is an ideal place to help you find and screen potential housemates. By seeing a video of the applicant prior, you get a feel for their character and personality. Or on the flip side realestatetube can also help rent out your spare room. And the best part is it’s 100% Free!

Looking for a housemate or a house? Whether you are looking for someone to fill a room, or doing the trekking all over town, interviewing future housemates is annoying. What if you could watch a video profile beforehand? Now you can at Real Estate Tube.

Download our iOS app
Download our Android app


Disclaimer: Real Estate Tube makes no representations to the above blog or accepts any responsibility as to the accurateness of the above information. Both tenants and Landlords should seek their own independent advice and not rely on the above information.



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